Byteshower Inc.


First post from netlify deployment

Introduction to NetlifyCMS

How sea otters can fight climate change

Sea otters were hunted to the brink in the 19th Century fur trade, but their numbers have been slowly recovering since. The return of these playful creatures doesn’t just transform their ecosystems, it can turn them into a powerful carbon sink.

The revival of a historic journey across Spain

A resurgence in pastoralism, one of the world’s more sustainable food systems, could help Spain adapt to climate change and revitalise depopulated rural areas.

Costa Rica's answer to range anxiety

Thanks to a grassroots scheme, you can now reach a large number of remote tourist spots around the Costa Rican town of Monteverde in an electric vehicle.

The far-reaching benefits of tiger sharks for climate

Worldwide, shark populations are on the decline. Boosting their numbers could have a cascade effect to help sink carbon and make the oceans more resilient to climate change.